• Innovative, practical, and cost-effective engineering services delivered on time and within budget by a 10-12 person firm able to provide top-level personal attention to clients.
  • Servicing owners, municipalities, contractors, developers, other design professionals, attorneys, and insurance companies.
  • Providing range of comprehensive engineering services including investigations, reports, recommendations, engineering analysis and design, construction drawings and specifications, cost estimates, constructibility reviews, field inspection, pile load tests, permit acquisition, and litigation support.
  • Specializing in the fields of geotechnical, heavy, foundation, and marine construction engineering; including steel, timber and concrete structures, retaining walls, foundations of all types, soils, grouting, all types of piles, caissons, temporary and permanent excavation support systems, cofferdams, grouted or helical tiebacks, earth and rock anchors, sewer trench sheeting, pipe jacking, underpinning, bridges, sub-aqueous pipelines, coastal structures, seawalls, bulkheads, revetments, docks, marinas, piers, mooring and berthing facilities, ferry/rail terminals, transfer bridges, etc.
  • Registered New York City Department of Buildings Special Inspection Agency for Concrete – Cast-In-Place, Masonry, Soils-Investigations (Borings/Test Pits), Pile Foundations & Drilled Pier Installation, Underpinning, Structural Stability, Excavation – Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing.
  • Member: National Society of Professional Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, The MOLES, Deep Foundations Institute, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, American Concrete Institute, International Association of Foundation Drilling, The Society of American Military Engineers, Yale Science and Engineering Association.